Support for the digital switchover of businesses

The aim of the grant is to support automation and the introduction of digital technologies and robots. The total amount of the call is €56 million, of which €51.5 million is earmarked for manufacturing and mining and €5 million for other sectors.

The maximum grant requested under this call for proposals is EUR 300 000. Required co-financing up to 50%

Who can apply:

  • A legal entity registered in the Estonian Commercial Register with an average turnover in Estonia of at least EUR 200 000 in the applicant’s main field of activity during the two financial years preceding the submission of the application, according to the annual accounts submitted to the Commercial Register.
  •  the economic activity has not ceased or is not suspended
  • has the qualifications or experience and the legal, organisational or technical capacity to complete and manage the project.

The support can be used to:

  • For the acquisition of software systems or tangible assets that can be integrated with machine learning or machine vision systems for automation.
  • the development and deployment of intangible assets and digital technologies / the cost of contract research, knowledge purchased or licensed from external sources on market terms and patents.
  • the training of its staff for the development and deployment of digital technologies and robots and for automation purposes.
  • consultancy services for the purchase, development and deployment of digital technologies and robots and for automation.
  •  the remuneration of staff and contractors involved in the development and deployment of digital technologies and robots and automation activities

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