EAS launched the Implementation Support for the Development Plan of Creative Entrepreneurs

The support can be used, for example, for implementing new business models, product development, digitization, and employee training. The maximum support for a single company is 100,000 euros, and the self-financing must be at least 30%.

The possibilities for using the support are very broad, and each development plan is based on the specific needs of the company. As an innovation, it is also possible to acquire tangible and intangible assets with the support.

Before submitting the application, applicants must undergo pre-consultation, resulting in an approved development plan by EAS, which is a prerequisite for application. The development plan includes all activities and goals that impact the comprehensive development of the company.

Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs registered in Estonia and operating in the creative industries are invited to apply. The applying company must have been in operation for at least three years, and the annual turnover without subsidies and donations, based on the last approved financial report for the latest fiscal year in the business registry, must be at least 200,000 euros for creative or related activities, of which export revenue must be at least 20,000 euros, or the annual turnover without subsidies and donations, based on the last approved financial report for the latest fiscal year in the business registry, must be at least 300,000 euros for creative or related activities. In addition, at the time of application, the company must have at least two employees.

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+372 55 694 364

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