The state is providing support for the renovation of district heating systems with a total of 22.5 million euros.

The state is once again offering support to heat companies for the renovation of district heating systems, with a total of 22.5 million euros in assistance available. The application process begins in September.

Support can be sought for the renovation or replacement of district heating pipelines and boilers using renewable energy sources in district heating systems. This includes support for the renovation of heat pipelines with 15 million euros and the renovation or acquisition of boilers with 7.5 million euros.

After the project is completed, the heat production equipment renovated with the support must use only renewable energy sources as the primary fuel.

The rate of support is 30–45% of eligible costs, with a minimum amount of 20,000 euros and a maximum of 1,000,000 euros per applicant.

The support will be administered by the Environmental Investment Centre, and applications can be submitted starting in September. Support will be granted until the budget is exhausted. This initiative is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

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