Support for product development

Support for business development activities. It encourages companies to invest more in development activities that lead to the development of new competitive products and services.

The maximum grant requested in this call for proposals is €500 000. A minimum of 55% own contribution is required (up to a maximum of 45% of eligible project costs for small enterprises, 35% for medium-sized enterprises and 25% for large enterprises).

Who can apply:

  • Companies registered in the Estonian Commercial Register can apply for support.
  • The applicant’s average sales revenue for the last two financial years is at least EUR 200 000.
  • The planned project must be aimed at the development of at least one of the focus areas of TAIE
  • The project must contribute to upholding the principles and objectives of Estonia 2035.

Support can be used for:

  • Staff costs
  • Studies necessary for the development
  • Consultancy activities related to the development activities.
  • Design and prototyping
  • Acquisition of intellectual property (e.g. licences)
  • Testing and certification of the product under development
  • Acquisition of materials and consumables for development activities
  • Costs for the use of equipment purchased during the project period, taking into account its useful life

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