A support program for companies connecting renewable energy production equipment to the grid has been opened.

KIK (Klaipeda Investment Center) opened the application round on August 24th to support companies connecting renewable energy production equipment to the grid. Support can be obtained for connecting renewable energy production equipment located in industrial areas or adjacent areas to the distribution grid or the main grid.

Companies can use this support to cover the costs associated with upgrading and strengthening the grid. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of renewable energy production being located closer to industrial zones, making energy production closer to consumers. The use of renewable energy also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and the need for fossil fuels. This support can also be useful for the construction of new solar parks and similar projects.

Applications for support can be submitted by legal entities registered in Estonia, excluding organizations that own and operate closed distribution networks. The created connection capacity of the project must be at least 200 kW, and the connection point must be completed by April 2026. For each megawatt of connection capacity to the distribution or main grid, support of up to 305,000 euros without VAT can be obtained, and there are no restrictions on the maximum amount of support. The support budget is 915,000 euros.

This is an ongoing application round, and applications are processed in the order they are submitted until the budget is exhausted or until December 31, 2024. Funding is provided from the Recovery and Resilience Fund, and the terms of support were developed by the Ministry of Climate in cooperation with the Environmental Investment Center.

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