A new funding round for development projects is now open!

On December 22nd, the Estonian Business Development Agency (EAS) opened a new funding round under its Applied Research Program (RUP) for the implementation of development projects. The budget for this support is 15 million euros.

“The Applied Research Program has had three successful application rounds so far, where companies have developed truly innovative new technologies and products, ranging from laboratory research to hybrid systems for small boats and digital medicine,” explained Sigrid Harjo, a member of the management board of the joint institution of EAS and KredEx. The program has consistently attracted growing interest, indicating that companies are increasingly investing in knowledge-intensive development work.

The Applied Research Program is designed to assist Estonian companies in knowledge-intensive applied research and consists of two parts: consultancy and funding. In addition to financial support, entrepreneurs are helped with technologically advanced and strategically important applied research initiatives, including launch, preparation, and execution. This includes assistance in finding research and development partners, funding sources both in Estonia and internationally, and guidance on intellectual property matters.

Applied research is a unique study aimed at acquiring new knowledge with a clear practical application and a client who uses the new knowledge for commercial purposes. Projects can be carried out internally by a company or in collaboration with research and development partners from Estonia or abroad.

The application period opened on December 22nd and will run until February 20th. Applications will be evaluated through a competitive process, meaning that all submitted applications will be assessed, and a ranking will be created to determine which projects receive funding. The minimum amount of support is 250,000 euros, and the maximum is 2,000,000 euros per project. The required level of co-financing ranges from 20% to 75%.

If you need more information about the program, please contact us at nfo@indrex.ee or call us at +372 55 694 364. Additional information can also be found on the website eas.ee/grants/rakendusuuringute-programm/.

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