Soon, support measures for the mining and processing industry to enhance resource efficiency will be opened.

In the near future, the mining and processing industry will have the opportunity to apply for financial support to improve production efficiency, including conducting resource audits and making investments to use resources more effectively. The plan is to allocate 34.5 million euros from the European Union’s cohesion fund for resource efficiency development, supplemented by the companies’ own contributions.

The majority of the support measures are directed towards investments aimed at reducing resource usage and waste in production. This support initiative builds upon the success of the previous funding period, where 178 companies were supported with 65.2 million euros.

One million euros is allocated for conducting resource audits, and 33.5 million euros for resource efficiency development. Together with the companies’ own contributions, a total of 103.5 million euros will be invested in the resource efficiency of Estonian companies.

Currently, the regulation for the support measures is undergoing coordination and approval. The support will be administered by the Environmental Investment Centre.

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