Investment support from RIA for a research and development institution.

Investment support to enhance the performance of agricultural entrepreneurs for a research and development institution.

The Agricultural Registers and Information Board (PRIA) will start accepting applications for investment support to improve the performance of agricultural enterprises for research and development institutions from December 4.

The goal of the support is to enhance the performance of agricultural entrepreneurs and promote environmentally sustainable agriculture. Investments in research and development institutions are supported to contribute to research activities that benefit the agriculture sector as a whole.

Support can be obtained by a state institution managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Agriculture or a public-law entity mandated by law to promote value chain-based bioeconomics and research and development in areas related to sustainable use of natural resources, rural life, and rural development.

The budget for the fourth application round in 2023 is 2,000,000 euros. Funding is provided from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Estonian state budget.

Applications for support can be submitted from December 4 to December 29, 2023.

Supported activities include:
– Construction of agricultural buildings or facilities;
– Purchase of machinery or equipment;
– Construction of irrigation systems;
– Purchase and, if necessary, installation of stationary equipment for irrigation.

Support is granted to a state institution managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Agriculture up to 100%, and to a public-law entity up to 70% of the eligible cost of the supported activity. The minimum support rate is 15% of the eligible cost of the supported activity. The maximum support amount over the entire rural development program period is 2,000,000 euros per applicant.

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