Improving the Energy Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment

The Environmental Investment Centre (Keskkonainvesteeringute Keskus, KIK) is soon opening a grant program aimed at reducing the amount of electricity consumed by wastewater treatment in water companies and contributing to the provision of public sewerage services at affordable prices for the population. The grant will be funded through the European Union’s Emissions Trading System.

Who can apply for the grant?
The grant can be applied for by a water company that has been designated as a water operator in the area served by the wastewater treatment plant covered by the project, based on a decision by the local government council, or by a company that owns or manages the wastewater treatment plant included in the project.

What is funded:

  • Preparation or updating of energy audits for wastewater treatment plants;
  • Optimization of wastewater treatment processes.

Note: The grant cannot be requested for improving the energy efficiency of a wastewater treatment plant that is intended solely for the needs of industrial or manufacturing enterprises.

What is the size of the grant?
The total budget for the grant program is 25 million €.

The grant is provided as de minimis aid. The total amount of de minimis aid granted to a single enterprise, including the grant requested under this regulation, must not exceed 750,000 € over any three-year period.

The maximum share of funding is 50% of the eligible project costs.

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