Entrepreneur’s Supply Security Support

The purpose of the support is to help companies prevent supply disruptions caused by the energy crisis. The support can be used to prevent potential supply disruptions resulting from the energy crisis associated with the war in Ukraine, for transitioning to a new energy source, and for investments to ensure supply security. Applications for support are ongoing.
The total volume of the support measure is 20 million euros. The maximum support that can be applied for in the application round is up to 300,000 euros for micro and small enterprises, and up to 500,000 euros for medium-sized and large enterprises. The required
self-financing is 50% to 80%.

Who can apply:

  • Support may be requested by a business entity registered in Estonia that has been engaged in economic activity since at least January 1, 2021
  • The average sales revenue of the entrepreneur for the two financial years preceding the application, according to the annual reports submitted to the Commercial Register, is at least 100,000 euros in the applicant’s main field of activity
The support can be used for:
  • Purchasing storage devices necessary to ensure energy supply security
  • Construction of buildings and facilities necessary to ensure energy supply security
  • Construction of buildings and facilities necessary for connecting to an efficient district heating network, and acquisition of equipment along with the connection fee
  • The investment object to be supported must be located in Estonia
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