EAS (Enterprise Estonia) has opened a grant round for student engineering projects.

AS, in conjunction with KredEx, has launched a new round of support for student engineering projects today. The goal is to encourage students to collaborate with companies in developing innovative technological solutions, such as satellites, cars, drones, artificial intelligence, and more.

Student teams are invited to apply for the support and carry out engineering development projects in collaboration with a company.

The aim of the support is to promote the development of engineering knowledge and its practical application in cooperation with companies through the development of products or technologies. This will be beneficial for companies in need of highly skilled engineers to make their services and technologies competitive, innovative, and value-added.

The maximum amount of support for one project is 100,000 euros, and the minimum is 20,000 euros. The annual budget for this support is 960,000 euros. Applications are open until December 18 (at 16:00), and an online information event on the support will be held on October 3.

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