We support applicants in submitting project ideas for the annual grant application rounds and auctions of the European Union Innovation Fund.
In early December, presumably on 3.12.2024, all new EU Innovation Fund auctions and application rounds will open.
On December 3, the IF24 application rounds for near-zero emission technologies will reopen for small, medium, and large projects with initial capital investments of 2.5+, 20+, and 100+ million euros. Additionally, a round for pilot projects and a support round for clean technology production with a volume of 2.5+ million euros will open. The deadline for applications is April 2025. The total budget for the rounds is 2.4 billion euros. The support round opens every autumn.
On December 3, the IF24 renewable hydrogen auction with a budget of 1.2 billion euros will open. The round will close in February. An information day will be held on December 10, 2024. A new auction is expected at the end of 2025, with the auction anticipated to be annual (at least until 2027).
On December 3, the IF24 battery application round for establishing production units for electric vehicle batteries will open for the first time. The application deadline is to be determined. The total budget for the round is 1 billion euros.
Applications must be submitted electronically through the European Commission’s application submission portal.
Focus areas of the Innovation Fund:
• Production and use of renewable energy
• Carbon capture, storage, and utilization
• Energy-intensive industry, including replacement of carbon-intensive products
• Energy storage, including energy storage solutions in industry
• Transport and buildings
Target group: entrepreneurs (medium and large enterprises, corporations, startups) including enterprises owned or partially owned by the public sector.
More information:
+372 55 694 364